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About Painless Delivery

It is an incredible experience to become a mother. During labour, however, a woman suffers excruciating pain. The agony gets excruciating for most women when it is their first pregnancy. Women now have the option of having a painless childbirth thanks to technological breakthroughs. An epidural injection, administered by an anesthesiologist for pain relief during labour, is the key to Painless Pregnancy Delivery. It's injected into the lower back, and a plastic tube is inserted into the spinal canal, through which medications are distributed. When you're in active labour, which means you've had at least three contractions in the last ten minutes, it'll only be injected once.

A number of women prefer this Painless Normal Delivery approach because of the numerous advantages it offers.

  • It aids a woman's ability to cope with postpartum sadness and tiredness.
  • It relaxes the vaginal muscles and allows the baby to descend more easily.
  • It lowers the mother's blood pressure, which is beneficial since in natural labour, the mother's blood pressure is high, and there is a risk of the pressure rising to dangerously high levels and resulting in a stroke.
  • It protects the pelvic muscles from harm that might otherwise occur during normal delivery.

Many women question if a painless pregnancy delivery is actually achievable. And, assuming that's the case, how much does a painless delivery cost? Kapadia Hospital is the place to go for all the answers. We give you the necessary information and assistance so that you can approach labour with confidence. So, contact the Best Gynecology Hospital in Mumbai right away!

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Who should have this procedure?

At our Painless Delivery Hospital, all women in labour who require pain relief can receive an epidural. This is not for people who have abnormal blood tests or are using blood thinners. Although an epidural is not required for delivery, taking one can provide significant benefits at our Painless Delivery Centre in Mumbai.

  • In the event that the woman's labour is lengthy or complex. It will benefit both the mother and the child in this scenario. There should be no problems with a normal, pain-free, and stress-free birth.
  • If you're planning a vaginal birth following a C-section.
  • If you have a medical problem like preeclampsia, heart disease, or high blood pressure.
Painless delivery procedure
  • Drips will be beneficial for fluids into the arms before the Painless Pregnancy Delivery begins.
  • You can bend forward or even lie down on your side to make it easier for the doctors to place the needles in the right spot.
  • Your lower back will be washed with cold antiseptic by the doctors.
  • A very little amount of local anaesthetic will also be injected into the skin of your lower back.
  • The needle will also be inserted between the bones in your spine, in the region surrounding your spinal cord.
  • Once the contractions have stopped, the anesthesiologist at our Painless Delivery Hospital will administer an epidural needle.
  • Once the little soft plastic tube has been inserted, the doctor will remove the needle.
  • The anaesthesia will be delivered through that tube, which will eventually numb the discomfort.
  • Within five to thirty minutes, you will get pain alleviation. The use of an epidural is beneficial during the first stage of labour, but it can be used at any time after that.
Painless delivery side effects

Although painless pregnancy delivery is usually seen to be safe and reliable, the epidural anaesthetic used to ease pain during labour may have some negative effects that one should pay attention to.

  • Itching
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Fever
  • High blood pressure
  • Inability to control one's bladder
  • Backache
  • Extensive headache
  • Infection
  • Breathing slowly
  • Damage to the nerves

Stop looking for a painless birth hospital near me and come to Kapadia Hospital, the best Painless Delivery Hospital in Mumbai, for effective treatment and happier and better life!

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