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Circumcision Surgery in Mumbai

What is Circumcision Surgery

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin, which is the fold of skin covering the head (glans) of the penis. This procedure is one of the oldest surgical practices, with historical, cultural, and medical significance in many societies.When considering circumcision, it's essential to choose a reputable circumcision surgeon in Mumbai to ensure the highest standards of care and safety. Kapadia Hospitals is renowned for its excellence in performing circumcision surgeries in Mumbai, offering state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly skilled medical professionals. If you are considering circumcision, contact Kapadia Hospitals today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can provide you with the best possible care.

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Reasons for Circumcision:

  1. Religious or Cultural Reasons:

    Circumcision is a significant practice in many cultures and religions, including Judaism, Islam, and some African and Australian Aboriginal communities.
  2. Medical Reasons:

    • Phimosis: This is a condition where the foreskin is too tight and cannot be retracted over the glans (head) of the penis. Circumcision can be a treatment option.
    • Balanitis: This is an inflammation of the glans. Circumcision can help prevent recurrent balanitis.
    • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): While uncommon, circumcision may slightly reduce the risk of UTIs in males.
    • HIV prevention: Studies suggest circumcision may reduce the risk of acquiring HIV in men, particularly in areas with high HIV prevalence.
    • Penile cancer: There's some evidence that circumcision might slightly decrease the risk of penile cancer.
  3. Preventive Health Measures:

    Some studies suggest a reduced risk of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, and penile cancer in circumcised individuals.
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Advantages of Circumcision Surgery

  • Hygiene:

    Easier to clean, reducing the risk of infections.
  • Reduced Infection Risk:

    Lower susceptibility to urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Preventive Health Benefits:

    Some studies suggest a decreased risk of penile cancer and prostate cancer.
  • Elimination of Certain Conditions:

    Circumcision can resolve issues like phimosis and balanitis.

Circumcision Surgery Cost in Mumbai

The cost of circumcision surgery in Mumbai can vary depending on the facility, surgeon's experience, and the chosen technique. Traditional scalpel circumcision is the most affordable option, ranging from ₹7,000 to ₹10,000. Newer techniques like stapler or laser circumcision offer potential benefits but come with a higher price tag, typically between ₹32,000 and ₹50,000. There might be additional costs for consultations, anesthesia, lab tests, and medication. To get the most accurate estimate, contacting the hospital directly for their package pricing that includes surgeon fees, facility charges, and any additional expenses is recommended. It's also important to check with your insurance provider to see if they cover any portion of the circumcision surgery cost.

Procedure Of Circumcision Surgery in Mumbai at Kapadia Hospital

  • Preparation: The genital area is thoroughly cleaned to minimize infection risk. Anesthesia is then administered. This can be a local anesthetic (numbing the penis) for newborns or a general anesthetic (causing sleep) for older children and adults, depending on age, surgeon preference, and patient comfort.
  • Foreskin Separation: The surgeon uses a scalpel or a specialized device to carefully separate the foreskin from the glans (head) of the penis..
  • Foreskin Removal: Once separated, the excess foreskin is precisely cut and removed
  • Closure: The remaining edges of the skin are stitched together using dissolvable sutures to close the wound.

Post-Surgical Care:

  • 1. Pain Management:

    Pain medication is often prescribed to manage post-operative discomfort.
  • 2. Hygiene:

    Keeping the area clean is crucial to prevent infection after a circumcision surgery procedure.
  • 3. Avoiding Strain:

    Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities that may strain the surgical site.
  • 4.Monitoring for Complications:

    Post circumcision treatment and regular follow-ups with healthcare providers are essential to monitor healing and address any complications.


  • Bleeding:

    Excessive bleeding may occur, requiring medical attention.
  • Infection:

    Infection at the surgical site is a potential complication.
  • Pain and Discomfort:

    Some pain and discomfort are normal after circum surgery.
  • Swelling and Bruising:

    Temporary swelling and bruising can occur post foreskin removal surgery.

Circumcision is a personal choice influenced by various factors, and individuals should carefully weigh the benefits and risks before opting for the circumcision surgery procedure. Medical guidance is essential for proper evaluation and decision-making for circumcision surgery costs.

At Kapadia Hospital, we prioritize patient care and affordability. Our circumcision surgery in Mumbai is conducted by experienced doctors in a state-of-the-art facility, ensuring safety and comfort throughout the procedure. With a commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction, we aim to provide accessible healthcare solutions while maintaining the highest standards of medical care. Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital is a trusted choice for individuals looking for circumcision surgery in Mumbai, focusing on expertise and fair circumcision surgery costs to ensure the best possible results for patients.

Frequently Asked Questions on Circumcision Surgery in Mumbai

Why should I consider circumcision surgery?

Circumcision may be considered for several reasons, including medical purposes such as treating conditions like phimosis (tight foreskin), paraphimosis (retracted foreskin that can't return to its normal position), recurrent urinary tract infections, or improving hygiene; cultural or religious practices; and personal preferences for aesthetic reasons or individual choice.

Is circumcision surgery safe?

Yes, circumcision is generally a safe procedure when performed by an experienced surgeon in a sterile environment. As with any surgery, there are risks, but complications are rare and usually minor.

What is the recovery time for circumcision surgery?

Most patients can return home the same day. Full recovery typically takes about one to two weeks, during which patients should follow post-operative care instructions to ensure proper healing.

Will the surgery be painful?

The surgery itself is pain-free due to the use of anesthesia. Post-operative pain is usually mild and can be managed with prescribed pain medications.

Can adults undergo circumcision?

Yes, circumcision can be performed on adults. The procedure and recovery are similar, but adults may need a longer recovery period and more comprehensive pain management.

How much does circumcision surgery cost in Mumbai at Kapadia Hospital?

The cost of circumcision surgery can vary based on several factors, including the patient’s age, the complexity of the procedure, and the type of anesthesia used. It is best to contact Kapadia Hospital directly for detailed pricing information.

How can I schedule a consultation at Kapadia Hospital?

To schedule a consultation for circumcision surgery in Mumbai at Kapadia Hospital, you can visit our website or contact our patient care team directly. We will provide you with all the necessary information and help you set up an appointment.