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What is the use of gastroscopy?

A diagnostic gastroscopy is a procedure used to evaluate symptoms or confirm a diagnosis. Here are a few listed uses of gastroscopy:

  • To identify problems such as stomach ulcers or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), which causes heartburn and acid reflux.
  • A gastroscopy is also performed to look at issues like dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) or a chronic stomach ache.
  • A therapeutic gastroscopy is one that is performed to treat specific medical conditions like:

  • Bleeding ulcers, oesophageal blockages, noncancerous growths (polyps), and tiny cancerous tumors.

For the procedure, your throat will be numbed with a local anaesthetic spray. A sedative is always an option that can be chosen. The sedative will make you drowsy and have reduced awareness about what's happening.

The endoscope will be placed in the back of your mouth by the doctor performing the procedure, and you will be asked to swallow the initial part of the tube. After that, it will be guided down your oesophagus and into your stomach.

NBI Advanced Endoscopy

NBI Advanced Endoscopy, helps doctors to see more aiding in better diagnosis.

NBI technology in Advanced Endoscopy helps in having more accurate observation of the mucosa I layer, along with dual Focus (Zoom Endoscopy). It helps in early detection and accurate diagnosis

Narrow Band Imaging Endoscopy helps in early detection and accurate diagnosis of:
  • Gastrointestinal reflex disease (GERD)
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Gastric Cancers
  • H.Pylori infections
  • Hyperplastic Polyps
  • Adenomatous Polyps
  • Cancerous Polyps
  • Celiac Disease

Your doctor will explain the procedure and any danger involved before you have a gastroscopy. This contains instructions on how to make the examination more comfortable by taking medicine. If you take medicine on a daily basis, you should check with your doctor ahead of time to see if and when you should take it on the day of the procedure. Some medications, such as anti-clotting medications, may need to be stopped several days before the gastroscopy. Your doctor will inform you how long you should wait before eating and drinking before the gastroscopy. You will be requested to sign a permission document before to the operation.

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