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Incisional Hernia Surgery Consultation

Incisional Hernia Treatment

Incisional Hernia Surgery

Causes of Incisional Hernia

Incisional hernias occur when the abdominal muscle weakens as a result of a surgical incision. An incisional hernia can develop for a various reasons; individuals who engage in excessive or premature physical activity following surgery, gain significant weight, pregnancy, or increased abdominal pressure in any other way before the incision is fully healed are particularly vulnerable.

Symptoms of Incisional Hernia

The symptoms of incisional hernia are:

Abdominal Lump
An abdominal lump, protrusion, or soreness at or around the site of a prior incision.
Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heart rate

Incisional Hernia Treatment Procedures

Incisional hernia can only be treated by incisional hernia surgery. The treatment will also be determined by whether the hernia has harmed the initial surgery's results, necessitating further surgeries before the hernia can be closed.

There are two types of surgery for treating incisional hernia surgery - Open surgery and Laparoscopic surgery

  • Open surgery:

    This usually involves general anesthesia, which puts the patient to sleep for the duration of this abdominal hernia surgery. The surgeon makes a small incision in the groin to reach the hernia. After that, the hernia is pushed back into the abdomen, and the abdominal wall is reinforced with mesh and stitching.
  • Laparoscopic surgery:

    The surgeon makes several small incisions in the lower abdomen before inserting a laparoscope, a thin, tube-like device with a camera, into the incisions. The bulging tissue is then repositioned in the abdomen, and the weakened muscle is reinforced with mesh. Laparoscopic surgery isn't for everyone, especially those with large hernias. People who have this technique recover faster and have less scars than those who undergo open surgery.

For comprehensive care in incisional hernia treatment and abdominal hernia surgery, look no further than Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital. Our experienced surgical team uses advanced techniques to ensure optimal outcomes. Visit our website to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation. Take the first step towards a healthier life with Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital.

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